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Season 2024

Here is all the information you need about beach volleyball season in 2024:

Training - Early season: April

Starting in April, the week of April 8th, we launch training sessions for all skill levels every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Using an Excel sheet accessible to members, players can view attendance and reserve a spot on a court on a weekly basis. Weather permitting, we will also host the first tournaments during this period.

Training - Main Season: May-June & July-August

From May to August, training sessions will be scheduled from Monday to Thursday, between 18:00 and 21:30, at the beach fields located next to the sunny terrace of the Oerknal (Science Park 306). Training sessions are tailored to suit all levels of proficiency, and we make every effort to ensure an equitable distribution of participants across training groups. Training blocks are available via additional subscription & rates, read more here. Sign-up will open in April.

Training - Late season: September

In September, we will continue with training sessions and/or clinics for all skill levels. Specific days will be determined based on weather conditions.

Free Play

From April to September, members have the opportunity to enjoy open play every Friday evening and Sunday morning. Using an Excel sheet accessible to members, players can view attendance and reserve a spot on a court.

Off season (October - March)

If weather permits, we will organise tournaments. There will be no training sessions, and no free play sessions will be held/organised at the courts during this time.
